- Carbon material
- It is a raw material used for ironmaking and steelmaking. With a tight quality control and working in a proper form upon customer's demands, it is contributing to domestic and overseas steel and steelmaking industry.
- Types of Carbon material
Types of Carbon material Types Carbon materials Amorphous graphite Calcination coal Crystalline graphite Shape briquette granule powdered Grain size(mm) 20~50 0-5, 5-15, 15-30 80, 100 (mesh) Component(%) F.C 70, 80 90~95 82~88 S NMT0.05 NMT 0.05 NMT 0.05 Use Carurizing material, electrode materials, lubricant, etc
- Molded charcoal
- Calcination coal
- Appearance of Crystalline qraphite